cover illustration of a bedtime story for kids: Little Red Riding Hood and the Brave Woodsman

Little Red Riding Hood and the Brave Woodsman - Short Bedtime Story

Reading Time: Approx 5 minutes

Date: 2024-08-20

Little Red Riding Hood learns an important lesson about staying safe and listening to her mother in this classic tale.


Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of a vast forest, lived a sweet little girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She got her name from the beautiful red hooded cloak her grandmother had made for her, a gift she treasured dearly. Little Red loved to visit her grandmother, who lived on the other side of the woods, a journey that always filled her with excitement.

One sunny morning, her mother packed a basket brimming with freshly baked goodies and a jar of fragrant honey for her grandmother. "Be careful, my dear," her mother said, her voice laced with concern. "Stay on the path and don't talk to strangers. The woods can be tricky, and you must be wise."

Little Red promised to listen to her mother and set off on her journey, a skip in her step and a happy tune humming on her lips. She walked along the winding path through the magical forest, its towering trees whispering secrets in the gentle breeze.

Little Red didn't know that a sneaky wolf was watching her from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He craved the delicious treats she carried in her basket and hatched a cunning plan to trick her.

"Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood," the wolf said, his voice smooth and deceptively friendly. "Where are you going with such a lovely basket?"

"Oh, good morning, Mr. Wolf," Little Red replied politely, her voice as sweet as the honey in her basket. "I'm going to visit my grandmother. She's not feeling well, and I'm bringing her some goodies to make her feel better."

The wolf's eyes sparkled with wicked delight. "That's very kind of you," he said, his voice dripping with feigned concern. "But don't you think it would be nice to pick some flowers for your grandmother from the meadow over there? I'm sure she would love them."

Little Red, always eager to please, thought it was a good idea. She skipped into the meadow, its vibrant flowers a tapestry of colors. The wolf, seeing his opportunity, quickly ran towards her grandmother's cottage, eager to get there before her.

When he arrived at the cottage, he found the grandmother resting in bed, her face pale. With a sly smile, the wolf locked her in the closet, hiding her away. Then, he put on her nightcap and glasses, mimicking her voice as best as he could.

Meanwhile, Little Red finished picking her bouquet of flowers and returned to her grandmother's cottage. She knocked on the door, her heart filled with anticipation. "Grandma, it's me, Little Red Riding Hood. I've brought you some treats."

The wolf, disguised as the grandmother, replied in a gruff voice, "Come in, my dear."

As Little Red entered the cottage, she noticed that her grandmother looked different. Her eyes seemed unusually large, and her voice was raspy. "Grandma, what big eyes you have," she said, feeling a flicker of unease.

"The better to see you with, my dear," the wolf replied, his voice a poor imitation of the grandmother's.

Little Red noticed other changes too. "Grandma, what big ears you have," she said, her suspicion growing.

"The better to hear you with, my dear," the wolf replied, his voice betraying his excitement.

Finally, Little Red noticed the sharp, pointed teeth, a sight that sent chills down her spine. "Grandma, what big teeth you have," she said, her voice trembling with fear.

"The better to eat you with!" the wolf shouted, throwing off the disguise and revealing his true nature. He grinned, his sharp teeth glinting in the dim light.

Terrified, Little Red ran towards the door, but the wolf was quicker. He jumped towards her, his eyes gleaming with hungry anticipation.

Just as the wolf was about to pounce, a brave woodsman, who had heard the commotion while passing by, burst into the cottage. He was strong and sturdy, with a keen eye for injustice.

With a mighty swing of his axe, the woodsman scared the wolf away, his fierce shout echoing through the cottage. Little Red and her grandmother were safe.

The woodsman, relieved to have saved them, helped the grandmother out of the closet. She was shaken but grateful to be safe. Little Red, still trembling from the encounter, hugged her grandmother tightly.

From that day on, Little Red Riding Hood learned an important lesson about being careful and never talking to strangers. She thanked the brave woodsman for saving her and promised to be more careful in the future, always remembering her mother's words.

The news of Little Red's encounter with the wolf spread throughout the village, and everyone praised the brave woodsman for his quick thinking and courage. As for the wolf, he was never seen again, his cunning plans foiled by the bravery of the woodsman.

And so, dear little dreamer, as the story of "Little Red Riding Hood and the Brave Woodsman" comes to an end, it's time for three questions to unlock the magic within the tale:

Where was Little Red Riding Hood going, and why did she go into the meadow?

Who tricked Little Red into leaving her grandmother's cottage, and how did the sneaky wolf disguise himself?

Who came to the rescue and scared away the wolf, saving Little Red and her grandmother?

Use your imagination, let your dreams guide you, and answer these questions to uncover the secrets of "Little Red Riding Hood and the Brave Woodsman." May you dream of magical forests, brave woodsmen, and the importance of being careful. Goodnight, sweet little dreamer, and may your dreams be filled with the wonder of Little Red's tale and the joy of living happily ever after.

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Enhance Your Evening Ritual with Our Bedtime Stories — In the sacred hours of the evening, as the world quiets and stars begin to twinkle, the bedtime story becomes a pivotal part of your child’s routine. At PandaWhispers, we understand the profound impact that storytelling can have on a child’s development. Studies suggest that bedtime stories not only soothe your child into a peaceful sleep but also significantly contribute to their emotional and educational growth. Our extensive library offers an oasis of adventures that nurture the mind and spirit, making each night a foundation for lifelong learning and healthy sleep habits.

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